
texascharlie avatar image
texascharlie asked

Issue with uploading data to VRM after 8 days offline

Hi, any help with this would be greatly appreciated. I've tried to find answers on the forum but the responses to similar questions aren't clear (at least not to me).

I've been offline for 8 days and was hoping my system (RPI3/Venus v2.89) would upload all the collected data to VRM automatically.

It appears that 2 days of data DID upload. Can I get the rest? I've been back online with +/- 30 Mbps upload connection for 16 hours.

--- If Venus by default only keeps 2 days history while offline, is there a way to increase the # of days it will store?

--- Possible problem: does rebooting the RPI3 erase old data? I did reboot this morning (after about 12 hours online) before looking on the Raspberry for the data file. I'm storing data from 2 SmartSolars and 1 Multiplus. Here's what I see post-reboot:

root@Venus:/data/db# ls -la

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 32768 Aug 31 13:46 vrmlogger-backlog.sqlite3

32K does not seem like a big file that would hold much data, but maybe?

The system shows plenty of storage currently, but I don't know how much space was used / free before the reboot.

Filesystem 1K-blocks
Used Available Use% Mounted on
0% /data

I tried uploading vrmlogger-backlog.sqlite3 but got an error message:


Again, thanks for any insights!


gx devicevrm advanced
2 |3000

Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


I cant tell you how to get lost data back, however I always have a micro SD card in GXs that don't have reliable connections to VRM. Nothing big 1 or 2gb card will do (max 32gb in Fat 32). This allows the data to be stored and uploaded either manually or given enough time normally.

2 |3000

Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

texascharlie avatar image texascharlie commented ·
If my math is right the /data volume on my Raspberry is 5GB. I don't know how much space a week's worth of data uses, but I can't imagine it's more than that.

I'm assuming the missing data is permanently lost at this point.

But wondering if 1) there's a way to configure Venus to save lots more days' data and 2) also if maybe the data was there before the Raspberry rebooted and that's the only issue.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ texascharlie commented ·

Knowing it is a Pi does change things a bit.

What does it say under records or stored data?

6 months of stored data was about 200mb or about there, the last one i manually did on minute logging.

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texascharlie avatar image texascharlie Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Where do I find "records" or "stored data"?

In the Remote console? If here, which menu item? There are so levels I get lost in the console menus. Looked and don't see anything like records or stored data menu items.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ texascharlie commented ·

Yeah the menu and options are overwhelming when you first start using the GX.

Settings - vrm online portal You should see something like this.

The OS allocated storage for records.


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