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martin-kup asked

Bug? Phoenix Inverter 12/500 - zero percent load displayed, but graphic gauge shows load

Dear Victron energy,

I have a brand new Phoenix Inverter 12/500 230V. There is always "0 Load %" displayed, when the load is connected. Graphic gauge displays load correctly, see image. I tested iPhone iOS app and Mac OS app, both are acting the same.

I disconnected inverter from battery twice for many seconds to force restart, nothing has changed.

Inverter firmware: 1.21

Bluetooth dongle Rev3 firmware: 2.36, bootloader: 1.15

Is it a bug or what I can do to resolve this issue please? Thank you in advance for your support.


Phoenix Inverterbug reportsoftware
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Phoenix Inverter product page

Phoenix Inverter Smart product page

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