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Matthew asked

Orion and MultiPlus - Disable charging at zero degrees (Celsius)

Hi All. I would like to disable charging on an Orion and MultiPlus when it hits zero degrees Celsius.

I have a Cerbo GX and Touch 50 as part of the system, and a temperature sensor on the Cerbo GX.

For the Orion - To the best of my knowledge, I have set up the configurations correctly on the "Relays" option on the GX to work off "Temperature", and activation/deactivation settings.

Where I need advice is:

1. How do I connect the NC/COM/NO relays to the Orion Remote L/H? I have tried various combinations without any success.

2. What assistant can I use on the MultiPlus if I ran wires from Relay 2 of the Cerbo to AUX of the MultiPlus? And which NC/COM/NO wires do I need to use.

Thanks in advance.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargerorion-tr smartRelayTemperature SensorAssistants
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Any suggestions out there?

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