
blackstar avatar image
blackstar asked

Multiplus-II GX and 230v AC with no neutral (still distributed in some part of Italy)

It Italy there still areas where distributor provide 230v AC without neutral (based on distribution of 3-phase 230v with no neutral)

In this situation, to connect the AC to a Multiplus-II GX in with no neutral it is enough to disable ground relay? (and connecting the ground to device chassis)

There is a specific procedure to do so?

Kind Regards,


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1 Answer
sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

Sounds right but I have no personal knowledge of this. However I see a similar issue is discussed here, maybe something there might help?

Also I notice the manual says do not interchange live and neutral connections at the Multiplus II, maybe someone can say why this is and what you are supposed to do in Belgium or Italy when you have two equal lives and no neutral at all.

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blackstar avatar image blackstar commented ·

I've seen the discussion but I found it not conclusive about new version/software and possible internal tests.

There still a possible solution that involve additional costs, space, weight to move to the roof and some troubles in the wiring, installing an insulation transformer.

Victron produce some versions and I've seen with different supported power in ships dealers.

It is a solution I would like to avoid due to the additional costs and troubles so I'm looking for advice from people may have the same problem with power distributor. The IT System for power distribution seem also used in Norway and some part of USA.

Kind Regards,


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tokke avatar image tokke blackstar commented ·
Did you figure it out? I'm in a similar situation now (Belgium, 3x230V, no N)
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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

MultiPlus-II Product page 

MultiPlus-II Manual

Multiplus-II GX Online Manual

MultiPlus-II 230V Datasheet 

VE.Bus Error codes

Ground, earth and electrical safety

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic