
ashrun4fun avatar image
ashrun4fun asked

Marine application DC/DC charger on when engine is off. It is sensing charge from trickle charger.

I have 2 DC/DC chargers (Orion TR 12/12-30) non-isolated (on a boat). Twin engines, alternators to AGM start batteries to dc/dc chargers to Pos Bus (Lynx Dist) that charges the 4 Battleborn LiFePO4 house bank. Start batteries and dc/dc chargers are not paralleled. Both dc/dc chargers have the bridge installed and engine shutdown sensor is activated. All works fine until I hooked up a trickle charger to the start batteries to keep them topped off while on shore power. The dc/dc chargers sense that incoming voltage and they turn on and try to charge the house bank. I'm told I can remove the bridge for each dc/dc and place a single 16 gauge wire from each of the L terminals to the oil pressure sensor on the engine (it's much closer than the ignition switch). There are two wires on the oil pressure sensor. Any idea which one the 16 gauge wire from the dc/dc should be connected to? Does this sound like it will work?

chargerorion dc-dc
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

All the wiring options are in the downloadable manual. Just Google for it.

Depending on how your oil pressure switch works, yes. If not, you need a fused switched feed from the ignition switch.

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