
Donald avatar image
Donald asked

Victron DC DC Orion smart isolated charger

I’m struggling to get my 12 12 30 isolated DC DC charger to charge my house batteries. At recommended settings it charges about 15-20 amps.

I was playing about with the settings: switched off the Engine detection setting and reduced the input lockout voltage to 10.5 volts. This made the charger charge the house batteries at 30amps + however the 60amp fuse blew between the starter battery and the DCDC charger. ( I didn’t play around with the settings again)

Question. If my starter battery is on the way out will the alternator keep trying to charge it. Thus reducing the current / voltage-available for house batteries

House battery is a 480amp lithium. Starter battery is a 70amp lead acid six years old. Alternator is 75amp regular.

Thank you in anticipation


chargerorion dc-dc
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Wiring mistakes or problems aside.

Check what voltage is on the input of the dc to dc.

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Victron DC to DC Converters Product Range
