
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) asked

Venus OS v2.82~7 available for testing

Good evening!

v2.82~7 available for testing. One small change, mainly production oriented.

In case you haven't seen it yet: last Monday we released v2.80, a release packed with new features. Quickly thereafter came v2.81.

The goal with v2.82 is to be a bug fix release; fixing the known regressions of v2.80, aiming to quickly go to a super stable and reliable version. With a bit of luck already tomorrow.

In case you don't know what this message is about, then please start with reading this link, which explains the Venus OS beta program.

Change log

One new change since v2.82~5, which is the previous test version:

  • Change origin of vrm portal identifier for newly produced units

Changes in v2.82~4, released yesterday:

  • Fix missing Modbus-TCP register 777: Solar Charger PV current. More information here.
  • Fix issue when having a CAN-bus connected battery, DVCC and another battery monitor on the same battery bank. This is fixed by reverting the related code & functionality to how it was on v2.73. Post with more information.
  • Fix issue that, sometimes, greyed out the Enable toggles of analog tank inputs.
  • Bluetooth wireless sensors (Ruuvis): immediately use an inserted USB Bluetooth Adapter, rather than requiring a reboot first.
  • Make the Wireless bluetooth sensors feature, for the Ruuvis, use all connected bluetooth adapters. With this change, it is possible to connect multiple USB bluetooth adapters. And for example by having one on a slightly long USB cable it will be possible to increase the range. There is a list of tested USB Bluetooth adapters, currently we at Victron are not stocking or shipping any of those. And they were tested either briefly by ourselves, or by someone else - see the list.

Known issues:

  • There is possibly/most likely an issue with the bluetooth module in the Cerbo GX, causing it to no longer receive data from the Ruuvi sensors. Until now, best, meaning most reliable, available solution is to insert a USB Bluetooth adapter. There is a list of tested USB Bluetooth adapters on Community. The issue is Cerbo GX internal temperature related: when too high, the Bluetooth fails. Nothing else fails, just the Bluetooth. Thank you @stevomyatt for getting is on the right track (temperature) here.

What to test?

1. CAN-bus connected battery, with or without BMV or SmartShunt added as well.

For details, see this post.

2. Modbus-TCP
The now added fix for Modbus-TCP is more than just adding the 777 register back how it was. Its a bit long story in detail, but the result is that Modbus-TCP requires good testing. So: if you use it, please to update to this version and confirm in an answer below that it all works well.

That is all for now, some common information below.


How to post an issue?

Preferably all issues are organised as answers to this question. One answer per issue. So first check the existing threads. If you have the same as someone else already reported, welcome to add a comment saying "me too". And preferably some more details. And in case its not listed yet, add a new Answer. Note that Answers and Comments are two different things here on community.

Lastly, please first revert to v2.73, to double check if the issue you're seeing was present there as well. Regressions require a different treatment than other issues and bugs, and one of the first things that needs doing in triaging a report is distinguishing between the two.

Running SetupHelper, GuiMods or other customer code?

Please then first remove that, and see if you still have an issue. Or at a minimum mention that, and then don't be surprised if I ask to take that elsewhere directly with @Kevin Windrem, or remove it first.

Venus OS
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1 Answer
Anders avatar image
Anders answered Ā·

I have a Fibaro Home Center 2 with virtual devices for MODBUS communication to:
- Smartsolar MPPT 150/100rev 2 v1.59
- Multiplus 24/5000/120-100 v422
- CCGX (now running v2.82-5)
- CAN-bus BMS

The MPPT connected failed when reg 777 issue was introduced, this was solved yesterday when I installedv2.82-5

However, now I lost communication to CAN-bus BMS.

The CAN-bus BMS report an error code 131 and byte count wrong when reading reg 259-326. I not 100% what this did say when running v2.81

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hi @Anders , can you give a bit more context? I think I found your site on VRM, but it has a BMV Battery Monitor, not a CAN-bus BMS.

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Anders avatar image Anders mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·

Hi @mvader (Victron Energy) - Yes you are right .

Consequently I am running a LUA script (Fibaro code) not really made for the BMV. However I am pretty sure that some of the parameter reading did work, meaning I was able to read some data from the BMV, despite this misuse of code. The Fibaro HC2 stores old data as visualised from the screenshot below. Voltage and SOC was read from the BMV


It read data from ID 247

-- ********** BMS ****************************

-- UNIT ID = 225 512 CAN-bus BMS

-- READ Venus Register 259-326

local TA_ID_Low = 1

local Protocol_ID_Low = 0 -- 1 for FIBARO ??

local Message_Length = 6 -- 6 = Message Length

local Unit_ID = 247 -- Unit ID 225

local Function = 3 -- 3 = Read Holding Registers 4 = Read Input registers

local AddrHigh = 1 -- Register Address 259 = 1x 256 + 3

local AddrLow = 3 --

local N_of_RegistersLow = 68 -- Number of requested Reisters

local expected_no_of_bytes = 136 -- Number of bytes expected

-- ***************************************************

Below I have added part of the code that did work:

-- ********** Battery Voltage

-- com.victronenergy.battery Battery voltage 259

-- uint16 100 0 to 653.36 /Dc/0/Voltage no V DC

local scale = 100

local num_of_char = 3 -- unit16

local start = 19

local stop = start + num_of_char

local BattVolt = tonumber(string.sub(DumpString(result),start,stop), 16) / scale ;

fibaro:debug( "Battery Voltage [V]: " .. BattVolt );

fibaro:call(thisId, "setProperty", "ui.BattVolt.value", string.format("%.2f",BattVolt) .. "[V]" )

-- ********** State of charge

-- com.victronenergy.battery State of charge 266

-- uint16 10 0 to 6533.6 /Soc no %

local scale = 10

local num_of_char = 3 -- unit16

local start = 19 + (266-259)*4

local stop = start + num_of_char

local SOC = tonumber(string.sub(DumpString(result),start,stop), 16) / scale ;

fibaro:debug( "Battery SOC [%]: " .. SOC );

fibaro:call(thisId, "setProperty", "ui.SOC.value", string.format("%.1f",SOC) .. "[%]" )

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ Anders commented Ā·
Hi @Anders , sorry, but I really don't know what the problem is. It works well here; querying a system with a BMV connected.
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