
Doug Murdock avatar image
Doug Murdock asked

Cerbo Displays 0W AC in & out

I'm having an issue when connecting AC to the inverter the Cerbo display will display 0W for both the AC input and output. When no AC is connected and inverting the AC output will show some AC output wattage. I have just installed the system in a 2022 Tiffin 32SA motorhome and have been testing with our onboard generator. The system consists of a Multiplus II 2x120, Cerbo GX with Touch 50, 540AH Battleborn Lithium batteries, Lynx Distributor and a SmartSolar controller with 1330W of panels. I have upgraded firmware to the latest on all products. The AC output will show a valid value when the MP is inverting ('--' displayed on AC In) but once AC input is detected (single phase from a generator) both the input and output AC will show 0W. It will enter Bulk charging when the AC input is supplied. It appears the AC passthrough works since the AC loads on either L1 or L2 function as expected. I have not been able to plug in to a 50A service to test if split phase input would make any difference. Everything thing seems to work both on the DC and AC sides it's just the display that doesn't show the AC load.

Thanks for any help with this problem

Multiplus-IIcerbo gx
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3 Answers
baronner avatar image
baronner answered ·

I had this week a same issue and luckely it has been solved thanks to this forum:

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eric-bunge avatar image eric-bunge commented ·
This also solved it for me. Specifically plugging / unplugging a 3.5mm cable into the current sensor connection on the multiplus
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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Hard to diagnose without seeing a few things.

Would you mind posting a screenshot of the device list when it is in the fault condition?

And a few of the situation you are describing?

I would most likely think it was the ve bus cables. But couldn't say for sure since you do see some data.

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Doug Murdock avatar image Doug Murdock commented ·

Here's the image of the Cerbo display when the system has no AC supplied and is in inverting mode:


And then here is what it look like soon after turning on the onboard generator (Onan 7000). There was no change in the AC or DC loads:


And as requested here is the device list while the generator was running:



Hope these images help to narrow my issue and let me know if you need anything else.

Btw is there a way to remove the unused devices from the device list such as the temperature and fuel tank sensors?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ Doug Murdock commented ·

If you are not using anything on the IO ports of the Cerbo for sensors then you can turn off the Analogue I/O port, then go back to the devices list, at the bottom an option will appear to delete disconnected devices there.

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Doug Murdock avatar image
Doug Murdock answered ·


Any feedback on the info I provided above?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Sorry I did not get a notification for your reply.

What version is the GX on? There was an update that was a fix for the input display problem.

See #6

On the devices issue, was there anything plugged into there sensor plugs at all? (Even if it was moved?)

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Doug Murdock avatar image Doug Murdock commented ·


Currently I'm running 2.81 in the Cerbo GX. I will update to 2.84 let you know if there is any change, thanks.

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Doug Murdock avatar image Doug Murdock Doug Murdock commented ·


Upgraded the Cerbo GX firmware to v2.84. Ran the generator again with the same results are before. After on the generator was on both AC in and out showed 0Ws (as shown in the previous image), L1 and L2 also showed 0W.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ Doug Murdock commented ·


A bit of an odd one. Is the cable between the inverter and gx a self made or purchased one?

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Doug Murdock avatar image Doug Murdock Alexandra ♦ commented ·

It is a purchased Victron cable.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ Doug Murdock commented ·


I have been mulling the issue over and chatted to a few people, but at this point internet diagnosis is not working. It may be time to contact your local dealership.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ Doug Murdock commented ·


Does your model have the ct sensor plug and are you using it?


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Doug Murdock avatar image Doug Murdock Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Yes it does but I'm not using it.

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Doug Murdock avatar image Doug Murdock Doug Murdock commented ·


I tried inserting the 3.5mm plug a few times as suggested by @markus in the post by @baronner see . After doing this procedure I now get wattage displayed for AC input and output when there is AC input. Thanks for everyone to solve this issue, I would have not thought to do this but it works!

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