
Ralf avatar image
Ralf asked

DC-Load Tile not showing up

Hello dear Victron Community!

I have an ESS system with 1x Multiplus2 5kVA, CerboGX, 8.8 kWp solar, 2x MPPTs (250/100, 250/85), 3-phase meter EM24, PylonTech battery (48V, 14.4 kWh) and zero injection.

So far everything is up to date with the latest firmware and everything works perfectly. The CerboGX currently works with the release-candidate v2.80~33.

Now to my problem: I have in addition to the battery a large DC consumer (between 1-3kW), but only occasionally switched on or clocked.

But the tile "DC-Load" is not shown to me neither on the VRM page nor in the remote console, although the DC power draw is known to the ESS system (battery is connected via CAN).

Every now and then the "DC Load" tile appears, e.g. after a restart of the CerboGX, but then disappears again after a few seconds.

The function "DC System present" is switched on.

After research in the forum I found the entry "DC load on CCGX not indicating load" by riclip and realized that probably a SmartShunt is required.

I bought and installed a SmartShunt 500, reconfigured it as a DC meter and connected it to the CerboGX via VEdirect. Even now there is still no "DC Load" tile to be seen!

My portal ID: d4124333c7a6

Any ideas?

Multiplus-IISmartShuntdc system
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5 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

You may need to do a full browser refresh to see it.

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Ralf avatar image
Ralf answered ·

no, that's not the case - done this several times...

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Ingo avatar image
Ingo answered ·

I think this is a known issue, I've reported this a long time ago but there hasn't been a fix yet. The DC Load will appear only if you select the Multi (Internal) as the Grid Meter and not the external meter. If your installation does not support the use of the Multi as the Grid meter then you are stuck not having the DC component visible.

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tuxedo0801 avatar image tuxedo0801 commented ·
1,5 yrs later: Is there a workaround for this? Having the exactly same issue. Cannot live without EM24... But want the DC Load tile ...
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ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

Which device have you set up as your battery monitor prior to installing the shunt? This has now changed to the shunt? Also, What are your current DVCC settings? Have you tried just as a test turning off shared current sense SCS?

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Ralf avatar image
Ralf answered ·

The BMS of the Pylontech battery was and still is the only battery monitor.

Just as the DVCC settings are "Forced on" since one of the last firmware versions of the CerboGX.

Have temporarily turned off the SCS setting - no success.


In the SmartShunt properties I also see the energy taken out, but there is still no tile with the DC loads to see...dc-load1.pngdc-load2.png


Battery is at 80% because of "Optimized (withBattery Life)".

I'll wait for the official version 2.80, because there should be a change regarding DC loads.

dvcc1.png (26.1 KiB)
dvcc2.png (30.4 KiB)
dc-load1.png (14.4 KiB)
dc-load2.png (24.3 KiB)
overview.png (31.4 KiB)
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