
ds1707 avatar image
ds1707 asked

Solaredge Modbus current sensor

Hello community,

I am planning a fresh installation with Mulitplus II 5000 and 48V battery with JK BMS.

This storage system will be AC coupled to my Solaredge SE15K inverter which already has an integration of a current measurement modbus sensor.
At the moment my home assistant gets all the information from inverster and current measurements via modbus.
Is it possible to also integrate these information into the Multiplus or GX?
I want to avoid a second current measurement because it is expensive and there is no space.
Normally this should be obsolete.

Which measurement would be recommended EM24 or current transfomer clamps?

Hope anyone can help me.


Best Regards,

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2 Answers
shaneyake avatar image
shaneyake answered ·

You will need to get a Victron Meter unless you would like to write your own software to make it work. Which is possible.

I would use the EM24 (Non-ethernet, RS485) over the current transformer as it will give you accurate data on the VRM portal.

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ds1707 avatar image
ds1707 answered ·

Thanks for your answer i thought, about writing the current solaredge sensor data with MQTT into the victron, maybe this is possible?

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shaneyake avatar image shaneyake commented ·

You can control setpoints via MQTT but it would be better if you wrote a DBus script that read the data from the meter and published it like a meter to the GX device. Writing Dbus scripts are pretty easy.

This is a good starting point.

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