
rdcat avatar image
rdcat asked

Charge Mgmt - 8 x Smartsolar, GX, BMV, Multiplus

I want to run one charge profile for my Lithium batteries, controlled by both voltage and current fall off.
This means

a) Networking it all together

b) Having a charge profile

Victron seems schitzophenic with their communications protocols. VeDirect, VENet, VEBus, VECan, VE Smart, USB
6 methods. Wow.

So lets assume you have solar with shading. So you want to have one MPPT per panel, to maximise output. That means lots of small controllers. And you want to connect to CerboGX for control.

How would you connect 8 x Smartsolar MPPT in a smaller size to CerboGX?
And once / if you did, you then also need to connect BMV-712 for battery current sense
And also Multiplus II as that charge profile also needs controlling.

The docs for VE.Smart (BT) indicate that the MPPT's will work together, but they are overridden by VE.CAN. Which is not supported by small units.
CerboGX does have BT, but does not support VE.Smart

You can connect VE.Direct to CerboGX via USB adapter, but no info on max qty, or if this will allow control of charge profile

And no discussion in CerboGX of Li charge profile control over Multiplus. Though us hinted in VE.Can info - but Multiplus(ii) doesn't support VE.CAN

Victron - how to make sense of centralised charge profiles for lithium? (Assuming batteries are not VE.Can Victron)
Or - even if they where.

Multiplus-IILithium BatteryVE.Directmppt chargingVE.Smart Network
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1 Answer
rdcat avatar image
rdcat answered ·

I also wonder if an OctoGX would help, but it seems not to talk to a CerboGX :(

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

VE.Smart Networking Manual

VE.Direct protocol FAQ

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Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Battery Compatibility

Did You Know - How to create a battery profile for non-Victron batteries?

MultiPlus-II Product page 

MultiPlus-II Manual

Multiplus-II GX Online Manual

MultiPlus-II 230V Datasheet 

VE.Bus Error codes