
longbeachisland avatar image
longbeachisland asked

Centaur and Phoenix inverter

I have a a Victron centaur charger and I would like to add a phoenix inverter to run a small TV off my batteries. Is it possible to connect the phoenix directly to the DC outputs in the centaur charger?

My centaur is in my cabin while my batteries and in the engine room behind a bulkhead. If I can avoid running longer distance wires from the phoenix to the batteries that would be helpful.


chargerPhoenix Inverter
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Longbeachisland

It's possible to do that. It's akin to what Victron do themselves within their EasySolar box, with both inverter and charger(s) using common battery cables.

But please take care that those wires are suitably sized for your purpose, and suitably fused to prevent any overheating if the occasion arises that the batts are the only power source.

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Related Resources


Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Phoenix Inverter product page

Phoenix Inverter Smart product page