
logic28 avatar image
logic28 asked

VRM Advanced widgets.

I am using two Multi in parallel and I'd like to understand the data displayed in the Multi 01- AC output voltage and Current of the VRM.

I see two values for voltage and two for amps, not sure if they relate to the two inverters or what, in this image namely 229.7V / 236.6V & 1.3A / 5.6A

If that is so there would be a load imbalance.


vrm advanced
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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


That widget is showing just one Multi. You have the range function enabled. Click on the cogwheel to disable it..


1718338504716.png (17.7 KiB)
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logic28 avatar image
logic28 answered ·

That widget is showing just one Multi. You have the range function enabled. Click on the cogwheel to disable it..

Have done and now I only see one value per data but I'm still no wiser about the twin reading from the previous imagescreenshot-2024-06-14-at-092541.png

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