
Anders avatar image
Anders asked

Duplication of Ruuvi Temp sensors on VRM after Cerbo GX Factory Reset

After playing with Node Red for a while I had to do a factory reset of my Cerbo GX.

Following the procedure this worked fine, I did however end up with a duplication of the 2 Ruuvi tags I have connected to this Cerbo. 2 of the are from the "old" connection.

Anyone else experiencing this?

Venus OSBluetoothruuvi sensors
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1 Answer
Anders avatar image
Anders answered ·

It's always nice when you find the solution yourselves.

1) Go VRM
2) Device list
3) Delete



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Related Resources

Victron Venus OS Open Source intro page

Venus OS GitHub (please do not post to this)

VictronConnect bluetooth troubleshooting guide

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic