
duncan-lee avatar image
duncan-lee asked

VRM Portal ID already used.


When trying to add a new Multi plus II GX to the VRM Portal it says that it already exists. New install so not sure how the Portal ID has alresdy been entered?

Not had this on any other systems we've installed.

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4 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Duncan lee,

If you post the ID here I can have a look to see who the system is registered with.

In similar cases in the past, it has been a dealer who has connected to test it works prior to sale and then forgotten to delete it again.

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duncan-lee avatar image duncan-lee commented ·


Thanks for the quick response.

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duncan-lee avatar image duncan-lee duncan-lee commented ·
We never received resolution to this, is there anyone able to assist, this is still an issue?
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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ duncan-lee commented ·
Apologies for that @Duncan lee, I am not sure how I missed your replies here.

I have asked the VRM team to get in touch via email to help with a resolution.

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tian-van-der-bijl avatar image tian-van-der-bijl commented ·
@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) Good afternoon Guy, I hope you are well? A customer recently purchased a home with an existing installation on the premises. The Portal ID to allow the new owner to log into their device was never shared. Can you perhaps assist with unbinding the portal to allow me to set it up for the new owner? Is this the correct forum to ask?

VRM ID 04a316c595f4

Thank you in advance and kind regards.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ tian-van-der-bijl commented ·
Hi @Tian van der Bijl,

I've just asked for the VRM team to get in touch with you via email for the recovery procedure.

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tian-van-der-bijl avatar image tian-van-der-bijl Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) Thank you very much Guy, I appreciate the help.

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duncan-lee avatar image
duncan-lee answered ·

Hi Guy

Have you managed to trace the original registration and deleted it?

Kind regards


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Michael Albrecht avatar image
Michael Albrecht answered ·

I have the same problem.Where can i mail the ID to get a solution


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shuguet avatar image
shuguet answered ·


I have exactly the same problem: after "...bad token..." that I reset, impossible to add installation because "the installation with the specified identifier has already added to your account".

I don't want to lost the history. Could you help me, please?

Best regards

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