
hconnerelectrical avatar image
hconnerelectrical asked

Pylontech cable and fuse ratings

Good evening,

Probably a fairly straight forward question to answer, but just starting out with Victron equipment.

Designing a system with a 10kva Quattro and 4 x Pylontech US5000 batteries.

The supplied cable is 25mm rated at around 120A, with each battery claiming a max continous power output of 100A each.

They're sort of designed to be daisy chained, but I soon noticed that's going to be an issue as I'm guessing 4 x batteries daisy chained could output 400A max continous? Is that about right?

In that case, what is everyone doing with their Pylontech batteries, are you making custom 50/70/95mm cables and daisy chaining them in pairs or more, or are you just wiring each battery back to the distributer with its own 100/125A mega fuse?

Other quick question, I'm guessing if they all are wired individually, I can still daisy chain the comms cabling to just send one bms cable back to the Cerbo?

Appreciate your time answering in advance,

Harry C

Pylontechbattery48v battery
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4 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@hconnerelectrical Pretty sure if you look at 5.10 of the manual, both questions are answered.

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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

@hconnerelectrical ive used individual pylontech cable into there own fuses on the lynx distro and then used 120mm2 to the 48/5000 multiplus 2 yes total over kill on the DC cable but would rather over size to get less voltage drop but that’s just me, you can stick to the manuals guide regarding the DC cable as not going to lie 120mm2 is not that easy going into the multi. Hope that helps

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

I've got a setup like this. The batteries go individually to the lynx power in using Pylontech cables, there's a lynx distributor for output. The batteries are daisy chained for data and earth using standard Pylontech cables. One type A cable to the GX device from the master battery. The instructions are a mix of those in the compatibility guide which is linked to this thread and the Pylontech manuals.

You don't really need fuses between the batteries and lynx setup, there's short circuit protection in the battery BMSs.

Must admit that although the info is in the manuals, it's messy to decipher for a high current setup.

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Just for info:

Pylontech standard cables are 4 AWG thats 21mm2 not 25mm2

I have wired and fused them individually to the busbars too

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Related Resources

Victron Pylontech battery compatibility guide

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic