
mike-howard avatar image
mike-howard asked

Instalation of Victron Orion-Tr Smart 12/12-Volt 30 amp 360-Watt DC-DC Charger Non-Isolated

Hey everyone. Thanks for the insights:

Environment: 1985 Campervan running 300-watt solar system. 300 ah lithium battery. 22 feet away from the engine.

Components Owned: Victron Energy Orion-Tr Smart 12/12-Volt 30 amp 360-Watt DC-DC Charger Non-Isolated + Victron Energy SmartShunt IP65 500 amp Battery Monitor

Wiring sitting in my Amazon Cart to order:

QUESTION: The old system (much less amperage), had some sort of solenoid/switch in the engine bay. In theory, it would allow energy to flow to the "house" battery once the truck is turned on. I am wondering if I should/need to replace that unit in the engine (if so can you link me to one you recommend on Amazon)...or if the Victron DC-DC unit handles that task (i.e. do I just run the 4guage red power cable directly off my truck's batter directly into the DC-DC non-isolated charger?

Thank you SO much in advance for your insights,

battery chargingorion dc-dc
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3 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

The manual in its introduction states that it can be set to work only when the engine is running and it covers the many ways you can arrange this such as setting voltage limits, wiring the ignition to the remote on/off port.

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mike-howard avatar image
mike-howard answered ·

I did read the manual before asking...but it still wasn't clear to me if I needed to install a solenoid switch between the battery and the Orion Charger. In this graphic is the thing I am pointing to the Battery Disconnect Relay. This is the one I currently have in my rig... Do I run the new 4guage wire from the Orion DC-DC into that Disconnect Relay?

Thanks for bearing with this non-electrical cat, trying to learn,


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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·
The thing you are pointing to is a fuse for protection of the wiring.

On the Orion there is no need to add a solenoid to turn the device off when the engine is off. For shutdown or maintenance you could install a heavy duty switch or pull the fuse. The engine detection logic in the Orion means you do not need a solenoid.

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scottz avatar image
scottz answered ·

You do not need a solenoid. The Orion will sense (voltage) when the engine is running. When the engine is not running, the Orion will shut down and not draw current from your van battery.

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