
Joost avatar image
Joost asked

Electric Boat set-up: Error setting up multiplus

We converted a lifeboat from a diesel engine to an electric motor and we are having trouble setting up the Multiplus.

We’ve got the following setup:

- Smartshunt

- Cerbo GX

- BMV 700

- Multiplus II 48/3000

- 4 LiFePo4 12,8v 200ah batteries

Tried to setup the inverter. The inverter is in low battery alarm when switched on. Batteries are 52,3V. Connecting the Multiplus with HP Envy Laptop via the MK3. The laptop updated the firmware and says it’s setting up a connection after which a ‘help’ button appears on screen. When connecting the multiplus to shore power we get the error message as shown on the picture below:

Tried the following:

- Connected to both VE.BUS ports

- Tried DC power alone, and 230v shore power

- Tried different CAT cables, including one from Victron

- Checked whether we installed the USB driver

Multiplus-IILithium Batteryerrorwiring diagram
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Joost avatar image
Joost answered ·


This is our diagram

electricdiagram.jpg (185.3 KiB)
2 |3000

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