
tomhei avatar image
tomhei asked

can I use different battery systems?


I have a Victron system (3xMultiPlus-II 48/3000 / 6xPylontech US3000C / Raspberry GX). I also have an old SMA system (1xSunnyIsland SI 6.0H / 1xlead battery 48V - 6 PzS 930). I would like to replace the SMA-Sunnyisland with a Victron MultiPlus-II 48/5000/70-50. Can I get this controlled with one GX (2 different batteries systems) or do I need another GX?

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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

No. Each combo of inverter/battery will be independent and appear on a unique vrm page.

They will not be aware of each other and are independently configured and managed.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

A GX can only control one independent set of inverter/bms.

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tomhei avatar image
tomhei answered ·

If I use 2 Victron GXs, can I let them communicate with each other? Or do I have to control the 2 Victron GX to prevent recharging between the two batteries.

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