
northcaptain avatar image
northcaptain asked

Cerbo Gx Smart Lithium

Hello i'm puzzled to how to get Smart Lithium battery information into the Cerbo ? Is this possible ?

cerbo gxLithium Battery
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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


It depends on the lithium battery.

It does need to have the CAN protocol. Usually use either the victron type A or type B cable.

There is an official compatibility list.

And then some enthusiastic DIY guys who have got others to communicate.

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


There is no way to view specific cell voltages of your Smart Lithiums in the Cerbo GX if that's what you're looking for. This is only possible via the VictronConnect app.

When it comes to battery voltage and current, you need a battery monitor like a BMV-712 or SmartShunt connected to a Cerbo GX via VE.Direct or a Lynx Smart BMS (afaik, you have a Smart BMS, which doesn't communicate with the GX device).

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northcaptain avatar image
northcaptain answered ·

Hello i have multiple Smart Shunt and one BMV-700. I thought Victron would leverage the information available to the Vinctron Connect App into the Cerbo by its own bluetooth channel... Which is useless in Victron App anyway.


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