
bladerunner avatar image
bladerunner asked

Phoenix 12/1200 overload at around 700VA

Since a few days I am encountering unexpected overload alarms consistently around 700VA. It is Independent of what device is causing the load.
Please see the screencapture video of the Victron Connect App

I note that I have used in the past the same consumers without any problems.
Wonder where I should start troubleshooting?
Many thanks in advance.


Phoenix Inverter
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3 Answers
michelg avatar image
michelg answered ·

Hi, hot temperature reduces the power capacity of the inverters, you could look if there is any obstruction for the air flow, dust, etc...

Eventually, is there a difference in the temperature room regarding what it was before the issue started ?


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bladerunner avatar image
bladerunner answered ·

Thanks michelg. I can exclude temp and airflow influence as the unit was not moved and used to work in much hotter days. I wonder if the cables could be the reason. However would the unit not throw a low bat or low current error instead of overload? Thicknes of cables are at specs however may be the connections need to be checked.

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michelg avatar image
michelg answered ·

Hi Bladerunner, a few questions : any breaker in between the inverter and the battery ? Last week one of the breakers went dead in my setup, so it could be a similar problem, or any loose connection. Also, check the battery state (how hold is it ?), the cabling is it big enough for the required amps ? And of course checking the connectors in the inverter and battery.

Sometimes things go well during a period, and suddenly start creating issues. The weakest element of the installation is usually the key to solve the issue.


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