
dzm9508 avatar image
dzm9508 asked

ESS System configuration in order to exclusively energize loads using batteries

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to design a three-pahse inverter/charger (Quattros) system that can energize a certain amount of loads (with only energy from batteries) within a certain schedule. Outside of that schedule, it should be able to power the loads using the energy from the grid. Is there a way to configure an assistant to help with this configuration setup?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerESSLithium Battery
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shaneyake avatar image shaneyake commented ·

During the "only energy from batteries" time, Can the system be grid-tied or would you want it to completely disconnect from grid?

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dzm9508 avatar image dzm9508 shaneyake commented ·
Hi Shaneyake

I'd like it to be always grid tied

The system should be able to feed my loads at all time, BUT it should feed the loads exclusively with the energy stored in the batteres within a certain schedule. Outside of that "window" it must feed the loads using the grid.

I was thinking that I can schedule a certain charge period in order for my batteries to be able to store enough energy so they can last this "window of time" but I'm not sure about how to tell my Quattros to do so. I'm aware of the ESS assistant, but using it also creates another question for me. By the time I try to configure this assistant asks me for a mmm country electric code, by default I've got Germany, UK and I'm forgetting the last one. I'm from Mexico. Is there a way to download this "Mexican profile"? There's the "other" option but I'm not sure how this can affect the system

Thanks for your time and patience!

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shaneyake avatar image shaneyake dzm9508 commented ·

Victron equipment is not certified in Mexico or the US for ESS. I am not from Mexico so don't know if there are loop holes or ways to get it approved. If you can get your install approved then Other is going to be your best option and then you can manual configure the grid settings. ESS = Grid-tie

Because of this compliance problem you might not be able to use ESS, in that case you can just take the system off grid using the GX relay to tigger ignore AC, this gets a little bit more complicated and will require NodeRed on the GX, to do exactly want you want but this is all possible.

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

The answer is yes as I think the below may do what you are asking

you would need to install ESS assistant and then set the grid set point to say 100watt or lower this would mean that the quattros would only take 100 watt from the grid at all times if it was connected and the SOC was above a set figure that is. or until the battery got to a low SOC that you set then it would supply the loads from the grid

then set the schedule charge to the schedule you want, you can set many schedules with different SOC charge levels.

hope that this is what you are after

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dzm9508 avatar image dzm9508 commented ·

hi Paul, thanks for your answer

If I use this assistant it asks me to already have a country code defined. I have only three options, but my country doesn't appear in that list. Is there any way to download my country's profile? I'm from Mexico

By setting the grid set point to a minimum number, would this let me power my loads or would the Quattros send an alarm of overcharge?

The idea is to power the loads of my system all the time by using this Quattros, BUT they should energize these loads during a certain period of time exclusively with batteries (Peak shaving). This Quattros would always have two energy sources: grid and batteries. During the battery usage time, the grid should remain just as a backup, because I'm looking for that peak shaving characteristic in my system.

thank you for your time!

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