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lsi asked

Connection error while updating firmware Multiplus compact??? - Solved

Who can help, because similar topics seemed to be unanswered.

I‘ve tried to upgrade the 2606413 firmware of my Multiplus 12/70/1600 to firmware 2606482 for ESS and to connect the Bluetooth dongle.

Followed the steps precisely but at connect part 2 I get “Error connecting. Please try again!”

The Multiplus was disconnected from the color control. Then the dipswitch settings were re-programmed (DS1 was on, now off and DS2 was off and now on) followed by switching DS8 from of to on and off again to store.
Power was removed as mentioned in step 1.
MK3 to USB was connected via COM4 and working.

I found that when I switched the Multiplus of (step 1) and on again while connected to the MK3 the unit doesn’t turn on and there is no connection at all.
LED’s remain off as well.

When I switch the multiplus off with the MK3 cable disconnected and then switch it on, it starts in inverting mode with the green light on.
However, then I get the connection error.

I tried both ports on the Multiplus; doesn’t matter.

Hope anyone can help!


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargerfirmware updateconnection issue
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9 Answers
lsi avatar image
lsi answered ·

Finally solved this issue :-)

Don’t know the exact reason but can share what I did differently in the process;

First used the connected color control to switch the Multiplus off.
Then removed the connection to the color control.
Changed dipswitch 1 from on to off and 2 from off to on
Switched the Multiplus on with the switch on it’s panel
Removed the plugs at the bottom (AC in and AC out)
Removed all loads from the battery

Connected the MK3-USB to the laptop and started VEFlash while not having the MK3-USB connected to the Multiplus!
Selected the firmware and manually selected the com port.
Followed the steps of VE Flash;
- power was already disconnected
- switched the Multiplus off
- now connected the MK3-USB
- switched the Multiplus on
- clicked next in VE Flash and was able to upgrade

Hope if anyone else has this problem this might help.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

I found that when I switched the Multiplus of (step 1) and on again while connected to the MK3 the unit doesn’t turn on and there is no connection at all. LED’s remain off as well.

That is totally normal at this point just click "next"

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lsi avatar image lsi commented ·

If I don’t switch the Multiplus off, I stay connected and get the connection error in step 2.

If I do switch off and leave the MK3-USB connected the Multiplus won’t connect at all (seems to stay off, LED’s are off)

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ lsi commented ·

Just do what VE.flash says.

Connect the MK3 to your PC/Laptop and the VE.Bus to your Multi.
- Switch off the Multi when VE.flash says to do it
- click on next
- switch "on" the Multi (as I wrote above it totally normal that the Multi will not switch on at this point and the LED are off) just switch the switch at the device to the on position
- click on next
- click on next

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lsi avatar image lsi Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
It doesn’t work; see whole process described in the general answer
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lsi avatar image
lsi answered ·

In the old forum on the Victron site for professionals I found a similar issue and the proposed solution was to use another computer.

Sounds weird but I will try….
Did notice that on my current laptop I needed to install the driver manually and on another the driver installed automatically.

Still on the laptop that has the issue with connecting in the upgrade process, the configure program works flawlessly

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lsi avatar image
lsi answered ·

Multiplus state is on, connected via VE bus to color control and on mains 230V

Disconnect Colorcontrol

Set Multiplus DP1 from on to off and DP2 from off to on

Switch DP8 on and off to store settings

Connect Multiplus VE bus to MK3-USB and laptop

Start VEConfigure 3 and read settings (OK)

Click OK at notification: there are currently no assistants in the device

Close VEConfigure 3

Start VEFlash (it’s running at the latest version)

Click StartSelect update firmware and click next

Read warning and click next

Select new firmware file and click next

Remove the AC input (and DS1=off / DS2=on)

Click next

Click autodetect port (is selects com4 like during VEConfigure)

Click next

Switch off device, disconnect mains (was already the case) and connect the communication cable (was connected so disconnect and connect again)

Click next and then switch on device

Click next - trying to connect - error connecting. Please try again.

Clicking next won’t work now. Click ok at error.

Steps repeat, error again. Device does not switch on.

As it doesn’t work, repeated all steps with disconnected MK3-USB up till the moment the device d=needed to be switched off. Then connected MK3-USB and switched the device on. Again same error.

Repeated the whole process with a completely different laptop

Same result. After switching of the device, connecting it via VE bus to MK3-USB and then laptop I switch on the device. Nothing happens. Device does not switch on and no connection possible.

Tried auto detecting com port and got an error: Cannot find the correct com port. Please make sure an MK3 is connected and power is applied to the device.

Repeated the process again but left the device on instead of switching off and then on again. Autodetect sees the device at com 4. At step 1 I don’t turn the device off and click next. At step 2 I don’t need to turn on and click next.

“Error connecting. Please try again!”

Repeated the whole (first) process on the other VE bus of the Multiplus.

Exact same result.

Rolled back the system (DP1=on DP2=off)

The setting in the color control was “on”

Switched the device off in the color control

Disconnected from color control

Repeated the process; same error

Also tried moving forward with AC connected; same error

Conclusion; I believe I have done everything possible (even waiting for the device to come on) but the issue is simple; if the (updated) MK3-USB is connected to the VE bus and laptop, the Multiplus refuses to power on and proceed with the firmware upgrade

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·


Try to save your settings of the Multi and reset all to default.
Try to use a different RJ45 cable to connect the Multi to the MK3.
Try to use other COM-ports maybe the wrong is selected.
(You can check the COM-port in the Windows device manager and/or in VE.config if you can connect there)

You don't need to save the settings with DIP-switch 8. DS1 and DS2 are applied immediately.

If nothing works contact a local installer and ask for help.

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lsi avatar image
lsi answered ·

Gave it another try. Using different cables. Switching ports on the Multiplus. Switching USB ports. Using VConfigure first to start with factory default settings. All resulting in the same error;

When the VEFlash app says to turn off the Multiplus and in the next step need to power on, the Multiplus does nothing while connected to the MK3-USB.
And even if I don’t power off and on but leave it on it’s loses connection with the MK3-USB at step 2.

Thus, being stuck with firmware 413 I will return the MK3-USB and the VE smart dongle to the shop.

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lsi avatar image
lsi answered ·

Still wanting to upgrade I borrowed another MK3-USB but regretfully the connection problem remains.

Disconnected the AC in and AC out from the bottom of the Multiplus just to be sure, but this didn’t help either. Nor did applying a newer firmware file.

Contacted the distributor but no reaction. did respond (thanks for that, appreciated!!) but still couldn’t manage to upgrade. They offered to look at the system but in that case I have to remove it from the installation so that will be a task for after the summer.

Unless….. someone has a bright idea what could cause the issue…. Feedback welcome!!!

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durval avatar image
durval answered ·

To anyone reading this: I had exactly the same error as the OP when trying to update my Multiplus Compact 12/2000/80-30 from firmware 2608430 to 2608485 using VEFlash. I was able to apply the update by installing and using VictronConnect instead (looks like VEFlash is being deprecated).

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lsi avatar image lsi commented ·
Tried that, but only works if the firmware you want to upgrade >= 415

Regretfully my firmware is 413 so doesn’t work for me :-(

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lsi avatar image
lsi answered ·

Yet another try as I read the thread form another user who had success by waiting for 45 minutes between step 1 and 2.

So I followed the process, switched the Multiplus off and left it that way for 50 minutes. This time the unit actually switched on with the MK3-USB connected so I pressed next and……. “Error connecting…..”

Starting to hate my Victron Multiplus

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tiamelis avatar image
tiamelis answered ·

Hello did you get any solution ?

I have the same problem ...

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