
alan932 avatar image
alan932 asked

connecting an inverter

I have a caravan, using my Lifo4 100amph, if i use an inverter could i just plug it into a spare plug socket using a 3 pin plug to power up the other 3 pin sockets

Phoenix Inverter
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Alan932

Please don't do that. You'd need to rig up what's often called a 'Suicide' lead. It needs exposed pins, and is aptly named. Please, nonono..

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alan932 avatar image alan932 commented ·

I see your point, but i suppose i was more about would it work.

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ alan932 commented ·
Yeh, technically it might if you manage to get the Live and Neutral pins around the right way. Then you might plug shore power in at the same time.. that'd be fun too.

I can see what you want to do, and the el-cheapo way would be to wire in a plug to fit your shore power inlet, and plug it in there. Only if you have a single inlet though.

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