
Jonathan Phillips avatar image
Jonathan Phillips asked

What is the life span of a Multiplus Inverter?

20210607-110552.jpgHi Everyone.

This morning I turned on my Multiplus Compact 24/1600/40 inverter and was greeting with a white flash and a burning smell. I have had this inverter for over 5 years. I have used it most days without a problem but for the last month when I turned in on it took over 5 minutes to start to invert. Is this the end for this inverter? Is it worthwhile getting it repaired? 20210607-110512.jpg

Phoenix Inverter
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1 Answer
H.W.Oelofse avatar image
H.W.Oelofse answered ·

If you are near a Victron service center or an agent it is indeed worth repairing or at least taking it in for an assessment. I ran the technical department for a local Victron agency and the support from the RMA department is incredible.

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