
michalkuligowski avatar image
michalkuligowski asked

DIY on/off switch for Atlas 24v or old inverter control seating in your drawer ;)

Hi everyone, my first baby steps into the exiting world of Victron and renewable energy ...

Did anyone happen to do a DIY switch for old Atlas inverter, I imagine it could be done with a simple 2 pole switch. I only want to save myself going down the engine room hatch each time I come and leave the boat...

Alternatively someone have an old inverter control unit seating in a drawer somewhere? I tried all usual market places with no luck... I am bassed in the UK.

Many thanks,


Phoenix Inverter
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

What do you want to do with such an old device?
That Atlas is maybe 20 years old.

The manual is still available:
(Modified Sinewave)

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michalkuligowski avatar image michalkuligowski commented ·

Hi Matthias,

I will use it until I figure out what my "final" system should consist off and solar power my tools during the conversion of our barge. I checked the manual but it only points to where the multipin connector is not how to hack it without dedicatet accient controler. Given it's pin to pin thing it must be very simple but I don't want to fry anything or myself.

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