
kim-hilding avatar image
kim-hilding asked

Battery protect 220A, voltage drop

Have a BP 220 unit. IN-pin connetcted to plus on Li bat with fuse inbetween. Also connected to IN-pin there is a multiplus and a smart solar connected.

When I add load through the BP I got voltage drop when turning on smal consumers from 13.4 to 12.9v (lamps). When using bowthruster och windlash the system shuts down totaly.

If I remvoe the BP everything works fine, what is the problem?

I have bought a second BP and I got the same behaviour with that one.

Best regards


Multiplus-IIMPPT SmartSolarBattery Protect
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5 Answers
jbakuwel avatar image
jbakuwel answered ·

Hi @kim-hilding,

Do you also get the same voltage drop after connecting small consumers to the battery directly?

Which program did you select for the BP 220?


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kim-hilding avatar image kim-hilding commented ·

If I remove the bp220 both small and big consumers works fine!

I have tested all 3 programs and also diffrent voltage settings in normal mode.

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tpuisto avatar image tpuisto kim-hilding commented ·

I've exactly same problem. Victron says that SBP is the product to protect. It is impossible to deal with that company - no responses. I did purchase mine also this spring ... maybe they just messed up the whole RnD or batch.

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jbakuwel avatar image jbakuwel tpuisto commented ·

Hi @tpuisto,

While more engagement from Victron staff would be wonderful, there's a limit to which extend they can engage with the public. If you think Victron is bad, tell me which other company in this industry is doing a better job where it comes to engaging with the community.


I recommend to get in touch with your supplier to see if they can help. Make a clear drawing of how you've connected the unit (including past wiring mistakes if any), what measurements you've taken, what problems you've observed, why you think the unit is not working as advertised and return the unit + this documentation to your supplier.

I can't speak for Victron, but from my experience so far, they put a lot of emphasis on R&D and making sure their stuff works, so I'd be surprised if they'd not be interested to hear about possible issues with their products.

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kim-hilding avatar image kim-hilding jbakuwel commented ·


I have got a return ticket from the reseller, I have explained the issues with pics and words and sending both units back. Hopefully I get at least one new unit back that is working.

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kim-hilding avatar image kim-hilding jbakuwel commented ·

Returned 2pcs and got refund but they couldn't answer if they where broken or not. I bought a third one and installed it in the same way as the others, this time it worked fine. Surprise, must be some manufacturing issues I guess.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Can you confirm the correct orientation of the BP?

Is the battery connected to IN and the loads to OUT? You would get that voltage drop if it is connected in reverse. Please check that again and maybe make some pictures of your installation.

I never had a problem like that and it is unlikely that you have two defective units.

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kim-hilding avatar image kim-hilding commented ·

Yes, i am absolutely sure, two friends with good electrical background can assure the connection. First time I made the mistake to mount the multiplus and solar regulator on OUT and I thought the behaviour that time was because of wrong placement and the unit was destroyed so I bought a new one and this time I put the inverter and solar regulator on IN and all consumers on OUT! Same behaviour as first time. Then I disconnect the solar and inverter from IN and still have same problem.

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kim-hilding avatar image kim-hilding commented ·

Returned 2pcs and got refund but they couldn't answer if they where broken or not. I bought a third one and installed it in the same way as the others, this time it worked fine. Surprise, must be some manufacturing issues I guess.

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freighttrain avatar image
freighttrain answered ·

I'm having the same issue on a client's boat. Windlass draws only 100 Amps but the BP220 shuts down the whole DC side. Just disconnects long enough that now all navigation equipment has to reboot. Not ideal.

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soggyhalyard avatar image
soggyhalyard answered ·

Was there any resolution to this? How did you guys deal with it? I'm having the exact issue. BP220 shuts down DC side when using the windlass just long enough to cut off electronics. No alarm. Bypassing it solves the issue. The BP worked fine for about a month, now cuts electronics every time.

The windlass jammed and the issue started. I wonder if a high inrush current fried the BP. It's just a 1200W motor but maybe it could have gone above the rated 600A?

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Sten avatar image
Sten answered ·

Be aware that any electrical motor have a inrush current that could be 6 times the specification of the motor. I would not recomment electrical motors that size through a BP.

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Sten avatar image Sten commented ·

If you want to handle that type of current then use your BP to control a relay like this.

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