
jock-mckay avatar image
jock-mckay asked

SmartShunt 500a Battery Monitor Question

Apologies if this has been asked before, I have just installed a smartshunt into my camper van and got to admit I'm clueless, I am trying to find a wiring layout to install with 2 leisure batteries 12v 110ah fitted parallel. I have followed the quick install instructions up to section 6, but not sure if this is correct install as when engine running the app says I have a 8 v output rather than batteries getting charged, it also does not register when I have plugged van into mains power which is also charging the leisure batteries. what have I done wrong, there are 3 batteries in total in my van 2 leisure and a starter battery. I don't not require a reading from starter just from the leisure battery, also when I turn on lights the time remaining seems to be going down rapidly even though they are only small led lights. could the power cables be plugged into the wrong battery ? would this make a difference?

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1 Answer
jock-mckay avatar image
jock-mckay answered ·

An added note, smartshunt recognises when engine is ticking over, and shows charge too mistake. However does not recognise when van is plugged into 240v connection for some reason. Any Ideas?

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