
damiano avatar image
damiano asked

MultiPlus Compact damaged processor. Help


I'm new here and I need Yours help.

I am asking for professional technical support.

At the outset, sorry for my English, I'm learning.

The subject of the problem is mine MultiPlus Compact model 24/1600/40-16.

The processor was damaged during the short-circuit of the installation. Its part number is SEC014009000, and the software was 1916125, which is the version of the old processor.

The short circuit was removed and the 5V power supply and all other signals were restored.

The question is whether the old processor can be replaced with a new processor and upload new software 2616xxx?

If it is possible to swap the chip, what version of the PIC. If not, what is the old version of the system and where the hex input comes from.

I count on any support because I feel sorry for my device. Even for a private message about this model only.

Thank you for any help and tips.

VRMfirmware update
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4 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hey Damiano,

We don’t off such service or spare parts; I’m sorry.

You can ask your dealer to contact our repairs department, and see what the options are.

all the best. Matthijs

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damiano avatar image
damiano answered ·

Thank you "mvader" for your reply , nice:)

J am an electronics engineer and a can do a lot.

I replaced the processor with PIC18F452.

Help me with the "hex" soft (32kB) ... please I want to fix it ...

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damiano avatar image
damiano answered ·
I contacted the repair department and they are helpless 
I have to send the equipment abroad ... no sense ... 
The processor is built in and the rest is ok, only the software is missing. 
just help me fix this unit .... I paid too much for it and it doesn't work .... sad
please send me a private message without affecting others.
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edward-maina avatar image edward-maina commented ·
Hey Damiano, How did you solve this eventually? Am curious. Regards Edward
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edward-maina avatar image
edward-maina answered ·

Did you get a solution?

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