
tg1 avatar image
tg1 asked

2x Multiplus Compact 12/2000/80 with isolated AC circuits, connected to Cerbo via VE. Bus?

I'd like to create a system with 2x Multiplus' (Compact 12/2000/80) with monitoring of each using a Cerbo GX.

This seems straight forward, but I need the inverter AC circuits completely isolated - this is done for redundancy alone. The inverters may be used separately but they will always charge the battery bank together. The shore power AC circuit & the DC input/output will be shared between the two units.

Is it possible to have 2x Multiplus units connected in a VE Bus string purely for inverter & shore power load measurements on the Cerbo GX & VRM?

Multiplus-IIcerbo gx
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1 Answer
bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

I believe you can, some searching of the web is required to confirm. Only one can be connected to the VE.Bus, so the second needs a VE.bus to NMEA2000 converter and then connected to the Cerbo via its VE.Can port. Only one device will display in the overview screen, and I suspect only one will materialise on the VRM dashboard, however in VRM advanced you will see the device and stats.

I believe the converter you Ould need its one of these.

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