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solarholic asked

Phoenix 12/375 ECO mode not working with 150W mixed load

I am having trouble with my Phoenix 12/375 inverter eco-mode even when running the latest version v1.17 software. I am running a 150W load consisting of multiple capacitive and inductive (mainly pond pumps) loads and according to my pluggable power meter running a power factor of 0.98. (I have adjusted the power factor using capacitors in the load to achieve this value for efficiency sake.)

Even with that 150W load the eco-mode does not work. It performs the scan but does not power on the inverter. I have tried adjusting the eco mode search time up to 1.5 seconds long (which does not seem to work at all ie no increase in on time while searching). I have the threshold setting at the lowest value of 15W and have tried increasing it to 25 W but it makes no difference.

Edit update: I forgot to mention that eco mode works fine on that inverter using just a single resistive 140W load (old fashioned PAR-38 globe) but doesn’t with the mixed load described above

Any suggestions on how to get this working would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Phoenix Inverter
2 |3000

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