
jeroencoppelmans avatar image
jeroencoppelmans asked

Bug in firmware v1.17 Phoenix smart inverter eco mode settings

When trying to change the search interval to an input of more than 64 seconds the output is the input value minus 64 seconds.

Phoenix Inverter
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2 Answers
jperez (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
jperez (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hello Jeroen,

The maximum value for this setting is 63 seconds, when setting a value above this limit the firmware tries to adjust it to a correct value. VictronConnect should only allow values up to 63s, it will be fixed in next version.

Thank you for reporting the issue.

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andyb avatar image andyb commented ·

During the night, the only load on my invertor is the fridge, so I increased the search interval to the maximum of 64s. I woke up in the night with the light on my AC input selector flashing and a faint throbbing sound from the Inverter cupboard. When I checked the settings in Victron connect, the search interval had changed to 0s. The Inverter was continually searching. I set it back to 64s and a few seconds later it changed back to 0s.

I changed it to 30s which appears to solve the problem. I then read here that the maximum should be 63s and it would be fixed in the next release.

My firmware is v1.25. Is this still the same fault?

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camper avatar image
camper answered ·

63seconds is too less.

@Victron Team: Could you please increase max limit to approx. 360seconds?

Refer to:

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