
smokinjoe avatar image
smokinjoe asked

DIY Lithium batteries

I am deciding whether it is worthwhile to build my own Lithium batteries from the various individual cells on the market (just to add resilience in whilst I am off shore). However I would like to use Victron for all the other components, due to the quality.

Do the Smart BMS's work with cells other than Victron Smart Batteries?

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4 Answers
bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

The Victron BMS will only work with the Victron Lithium Batteries. I contemplated a self build, but decided that there was not enough cost savings snd purchased the Victron 12,8 Smart Lithiums.

If you do self build, ensure you get a CanBus based BMS that will work with the Victron eco system and Cerbo GX.

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langer75 avatar image
langer75 answered ·

Just a question on that: Is it really necessary to have the communication between e.g. multiplus and the battery package? Or is there an option to charge and recharge the battery without a BMS communication? For sure the diy batterie must have a safe BMS (cell voltage, temperature, balancing, etc.) and everybody who wants to do this should really know what he/she does. Or is this option not available at all?

In VEconfigure one can define the cell type with voltage range. Does the multiplus need more information?

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hjohnson avatar image hjohnson commented ·
The Point OS mostly to better care for the battery, and avoid tripping the high voltage disconnect etc…
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hjohnson avatar image
hjohnson answered ·

There are third party BMSs that will play nicely with Victron systems. I’m looking at building a pack for my boat using a REC Active BMS. It will l manage the cells properly and communicate with the victron gear cleanly, allowing for things like DVCC. My goal is to design the system so that there is never a high voltage disconnect battery, inverter/charger, solar power, and alternator regulator all tied together through a cerbo and playing nice.

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pau1phi11ips avatar image
pau1phi11ips answered ·

This serial driver enables you to link a lot of the cheaper BMSs to Venus OS

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