
mathieu93 avatar image
mathieu93 asked

Start inverter under load


Is it ok to start the inverter under (heavy) load ?

I would like to connect a fridge to my Phoenix 12/800, with the thermostat wired to the inverter's remote control port. By doing so the fridge's compressor would suck ~700VA immediatly at startup. I have tried, it seems to work well. But is there an impact on the inverter's reliability over time ?

Some do add a delay between inverter and compressor startups, but it is quite impractical in my case, so I would prefer to avoid... but I don't want to blow my Phoenix !

thx !

Phoenix Inverter
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

If the Inverter does not Overload I cant see a issue in starting on high load

2 |3000

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