
oceanwolfe avatar image
oceanwolfe asked

Programming multiplus, why does that still require an expensive special cable?

I don't understand why one still has to buy a special USB cable adapter to fully program a multiplus. With all the networking options available, why is the programming access not built into the charger or available via one fo the other network interfaces?

I bought a Cerberus GX for a couple of reasons, but partly because I thought it would also provide access to programming the Multiplus. Nope, still have to buy the USB adapter.

Requiring an expensive cable to perform what in most cases is likely a one-time setup seems ridiculous. Is there a logical reason for this arrangement?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerMK3
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

It is possible to program the MultiPlus via the Cerbo GX and an internet connection using Remote VE.Configure.

The MK3-USB adapter is still required for MultiPlus firmware updates - and the reasons are partly technical, and partly because this is still intended to be a job for a trained technician.

When I was selling MultiPlus to end-customers, I would on occasion loan them the MK3, and they would return it once the job was complete, to save us both the time cost of sending out a technician.

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