
felix-vt avatar image
felix-vt asked

How can I clear the Multiplus II VE Bus Error 8 / 11 report?

I'am Installing a Multiplus II 48 5000 with solar MPPT Charger.

And now I'm wondering about the new Error 8 / 11 Report page, because there ist an Error listet an I don't know how to delete this error.

The system is running fine and I want to get rid of this error. What also confuses me is that the error main page shows no VE Bus errors at all. And this is where I need more information: Does last VE Bus error report mean the last error 8 or 11 is stored in this list and just stays there for ever?

to exclude any futher wiring mistakes I disconected all AC-Out wires inside the Multiplus.

Only AC-In is connectet and I checked the wires serval times.

As in many european Countries the N and PE on the AC-In are at Ground Potential, but this should not be a problem. I have a standart european TN-C-S Power Grid.

With this question I just want to make sure I'm not chasing any errors witch I solved long time ago.

Hope you can help me

Regards Felix

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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

The E8/E11 report does not clear, and shows the last error even if it has been resolved.

The number on the right hand side will change if a new error is generated.

There will also be an error notice in the notifications screen, this can be cleared by restarting the GX device.

The complete error log history is in VRM will also be updated, and this also cannot be cleared (without deleting all other VRM data for that site too).

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felix-vt avatar image felix-vt commented ·

Thank You very mutch this realy helps me a lot.

Great Support!

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Related Resources

MultiPlus-II Product page 

MultiPlus-II Manual

Multiplus-II GX Online Manual

MultiPlus-II 230V Datasheet 

VE.Bus Error codes

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Ground, earth and electrical safety

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