
paintertype avatar image
paintertype asked

Parallel operation of new Centaur charger with 10 year old Centaur charger?

I have a 10 year old Centaur 12/30 charger installed on my narrowboat. I want to install a new 12/50 to run in parallel with it (to decrease charge time). Want to know a) If parallel operation is ok? b) would the charge characteristics be the same between old and new models - with different ratings?

battery chargingcharger
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usernamepasswordbs avatar image usernamepasswordbs commented ·

I am thinking of getting a Centaur to charge the battery on a cherry picker but also to act as a partial power supply as the battery is not really big enough. If the 12/60 Centaur that i'm looking at is not enough then I would need to add a second Centaur or start again from scratch (a pain) so I would also like to know the answer to question a) if anyone knows.

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1 Answer
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

Regardless of brand or size if:

  1. All chargers are properly programmed to charge at a suitable voltage.
  2. The sum of all charge sources does not exceed the maximum safe charge current.

Then parallel operation of chargers is fine.

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usernamepasswordbs avatar image usernamepasswordbs commented ·
Thanks for that, I was wondering if there would be a Victron master-slave relationship as with the Multiplusses to give the best possible control over the charging.
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