
Shakir Thowseen avatar image
Shakir Thowseen asked

Charge using Car AC out - Mulltiplex 24/3000/120

Hey Guys, I have my setup in a RV and most of the time the solar does a great job. I was wondering if I can use the AC out in my truck (rated 400W/120V) to charge my batteries by connecting in to the AC in of the multiplex. I understand that it will be a very slow charge but I'm trying to find a way from lugging around a generator just to use it once every 2-3 months.

I tried to connect it, and set the charge current to 2.5A, I can hear the multiplex clicking every 30 seconds or so, but it wont charge. I wonder if I can get this done with some advanced settings.

Help is much appreciated. thanks :)

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerGenerator
2 |3000

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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Shakir Thowseen

You may find that your 2.5A limit isn't being honoured. For a 120V Multiplus of that size, the lowest you can go is 7.5A (or 9.0A with old firmware).

You can get around that by turning off PowerAssist in the Multi, but then any loads you apply will be limited to 2.5A too.

You may also find that switching PA becomes a tedious chore, possibly comparable to generator lugging.

2 |3000

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Shakir Thowseen avatar image Shakir Thowseen commented ·

@JohnC Good point, but I had the inverter in charge only mode that allowed me to set the charge voltage lower

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ Shakir Thowseen commented ·

@Shakir Thowseen

Ok. Maybe first try to determine what unit is at fault. Either the Multi is rejecting the supply, or the supply may be gagging. Even distorting at a high startup peak, and then the Multi won't like it. And if the supply is actually a 'modified square wave' then you'll be right up against it.

There are settings in the Multi that can help with this sort of issue..

If you have access to the settings then you could try each suggestion in turn. Even all together, but that won't guarantee success either. Eg with the Dynamic Current Limiter turned on, my own Multi baulks at my generator. Unexpected, but it is as it is.

Good luck.

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