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chad-smith asked

Multiplus 12/3000 low voltage shutdown vs low SOC shutdown - Both triggers active ?

Hi - have a question about the multiplus shutdown configuration and precedence.

If you have DC voltage settings for low voltage shutdown, AND low SOC shutdown, is it safe to assume both settings are active and shutdown may occur based on which ever trigger occurs first ?

SOC will be provided via smart-shunt/BMV to ve.bus as configured on VENUS OS device. Thus it's possible to have the smart-shunt/bmv incorrectly report SOC if the setting "Battery starts synchronized" is turned on; So the battery voltage could be way lower on a somewhat depleted battery yet the bmv SOC says 100%, if you have reset power to the BMV. Thus I'd expect the low voltage triggers to take effect.

Of course we usually try and disable this "start syncronized" setting to prevent misunderstanding true state of charge until the battery has gone through a true charge cycle. Which also begs the question:

If you restart the BMV and it's SOC reading is not available until a full charge has completed, will the inverter just pay attention to the voltages at that point ? I'm assuming a SOC is not presented to the ve.bus/inverter until the full charge has completed.

thanks in advance.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerBMV Battery MonitorSOC
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abegweit avatar image abegweit commented ·
@Chad Smith Hi I have the same question. I didn't see an answer but I was wondering if you were able to determine how the system works if both low voltage shutdown and low SOC shutdown are configured. Thanks
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