
gregtabuteau avatar image
gregtabuteau asked

Input Voltage Range - Phoenix Inverter


I have a very simple question : what does mean exactly this information in the Manual of the Phoenix Inverter VE.Direct ?

Input voltage range 9,2 - 17 / 18,4 - 34,0 / 36,8 - 62,0 VDC

Does it mean that Input Voltage can be from 9,2 up to 17 V without any issue ? Or does it mean something else ?

Phoenix Inverter
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

These are the absolute minimum and maximum limits.
Keep your design within these limits for normal operation. it is never a good idea to design for running on the absolute limits.

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gregtabuteau avatar image gregtabuteau commented ·

To say it differently, does it mean that it is much more tolerant to voltage fluctuation than basic inverters ?

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw gregtabuteau commented ·

@GregTabuteau In my view, I don't think it is about fluctuations as that in itself is not generally a good thing. Also to come to such a general conclusion you will have to compare it with many different products first. I think there may be many different reasons. One may be being able to accommodate a wider range of batteries and types from different manufacturers. Not all batteries are necessarily designed equal and Lithium also has changed the landscape.

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gregtabuteau avatar image
gregtabuteau answered ·

Ok many thanks. To say it differently, does it mean that it is much more tolerant to voltage fluctuation than basic inverters ?

1 comment
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carlossilva05 avatar image carlossilva05 commented ·

Hi Greg, most inverters have a DC voltage window of operation, in this case your battery voltage should be inside this window for the inverter to function properly. Your battery voltage should never get close to those limits in normal operation.

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