
lars-h-1 avatar image
lars-h-1 asked

My laptop with Victron Connect can't find my BMV-700 with smart dongle

I have a Victron BMV-700 with a Victron Bluetooth Smart Dongle connected. On a Samsung mobile phone with adroid I can then read the status and history With Victron Connect v5.27. I also have a ThinkPad laptop (Windows 10) with Victron Connect v5.27 for Windows. But the program do not find the BMV-700. Anyone who can help?
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Unfortunately, VictronConnect for Windows based computers doesn't work with Bluetooth.

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lars-h-1 avatar image
lars-h-1 answered ·
Thanks so much, even if that was not what I wanted to know.
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Trina avatar image Trina commented ·

There are work-around that don't involve a different laptop if checking solar state on the laptop is important or desired.

You can use a free virtual emulator by VMware to run a basic stripped down Linux OS (they might even now offer an android image) with the victron app in it or more easier boot a USB stick with a Linux distro on it with victron tools. Both require a bit of wait (the time depending on if your laptop uses a fast SSD or older HDD hard drive) but that's the work-around if you need to have Microsoft as your primary OS.

You could also dual boot.

None of is as easy as Microsoft letting developers have what they need in an affordable way to make apps like this work on Windows. But that's Microsoft.

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