
lars1988 avatar image
lars1988 asked

Victron Connect not seeing all batteries?

Hello everybody,

I have connected a Victron Bluetooth Smart 12/15 (3) and two batteries.

However, I only hear one battery via the app. Is that normal? I am convinced that status is heard for both.
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lars1988 avatar image lars1988 commented ·

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe ein Victron Bluetooth smart 12/15 (3) und zwei Batterien angeschlossen.

Über die App wird mir allerdings nur eine Batterie angezeigt. Ist das normal? Ich bin davon ausgegangen das mit der Status für beide angezeigt wird.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ lars1988 commented ·

@Lars1988 Das ist normal so, es ist nicht möglich die Batterien einzeln zu überwachen.

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1 Answer
beek avatar image
beek answered ·

Same here! Two batteries connected to the “Blue Smart IP22 12/30(3)”, however only one indication visable in the app.

Can anyone tell if this is normal and how the system operates with two batteries connected (e.g. each battery 15A or lowest battery first until both are full)?

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

This is totally normal there is no way to monitor the batteries individually.

The charging current (max 30 in total) is split by the SOC (internal resistant).

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