
ecoworld avatar image
ecoworld asked

Intermittent VE.Bus Low Battery Warnings, but DC Volt is OK?!

I think, but I’m not sure, that the “VE.Bus System” listed above in the alerts is probably referring to a Multiplus II unit. I keep seeing intermittent warnings like this for no apparent reason. All Physical connections seem fine and actual battery voltage is nominal.


2 x Ve.Can MPPT working together in parallel

1 x Networked CCGX

1 x 712 battery monitor
1 x Latronics LS-5048 Inverter (5kVa 48V) as the primary inverter

1 x Multiplus II (to be used as a 70A battery charger)

All the Victron gear is communicating with each other perfectly.

I have shared voltage sense turned ON

The Multiplus isn’t always charging the batteries (in charger mode) when the generator automatically starts up so we have it switched to inverter/charger mode and that’s working as a charger even though it’s wasteful being left ON all day and night with no inverter loads.

Q. 1. What is this alert referring too usually?

Q.2. Does anyone know why the charger mode wouldn’t be working but the inverter/charger mode does work to charge the batteries when the generator runs? (Sometimes there are no Led lights on the Multiplus II)

Q. Are intermittent alerts like this normal?

VE.Buslow battery warning
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @EcoWorld,

Use Remote VE.Configure to download the configuration file from the MultiPlus-II and set the DC input Low Pre-Alarm in the Inverter tab to below 47V Then send it back to the unit.

This will stop the alarm.

Please make a new post for the other question. We try to keep it to one question per post to help others find the answers in the future.

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ecoworld avatar image ecoworld commented ·

Thanks Guy,

I've just made those remote changes and successfully uploaded to the Multiplus II. Now it's just a case of sitting back and seeing if I still get those pesky errors.

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ecoworld avatar image ecoworld commented ·

Being an absolute guru, you might like to check out this one as it has everyone stumped, no pressure of course just thought it was worth showing you.

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ecoworld avatar image ecoworld commented ·

Thanks Guy, Well it’s been a while now and your suggestion seems to have worked perfectly! Thanks again and love your work. (More youtube videos please)

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Related Resources

What is VE.Bus?

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic