
vosjejohan avatar image
vosjejohan asked

Is it acceptable to connect 2 solar chargers each with its own battery pack to 1 PV system?

I have a battery bank of 12V, 800Ah (gel) and a battery pack of 200Ah 48V.

I have a smart solar charger MPPT 250V, 100A and smart solar charger MPPT 150/70-MC4

My main PV system is 4 panels of 330WP, connected 2S2P (about 100V peak).

I would like to connect both solar cahrgers to the same PV and use the 1st solar charger for the 12V battery pack and the 2nd solar charger for the 48V pack.

Advantage of this sytem is that if one battery is full the full PV power will go to the other battery pack.

Question is:

1. Is this kingd of sett-up allowed?

2. What would be the disadvantages?

3. When both battery packs are charging, how would the available power be distributed over the 2 solar chargers? Will the behaviour be stable and optimal?

Thank you in advance,

Kind Regards

Johan De Vos

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1 Answer
dazey77 avatar image
dazey77 answered ·

No. The MPPTs are going to end up working against each other. You will need to split the PV array.

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vosjejohan avatar image vosjejohan commented ·

Can you qualify your answer?

My understanding is that the PV is just a current / tension source.

Connecting 2 MPPT's means they will try to get current tension from the PV. My understanding is that they will not damage each-other but that the system could be unstable: continuous variation of current/tension.

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