
topsurfer avatar image
topsurfer asked

Solarcharger MPPT 75/100: Plus or minus regulated?


actuall my consumers are direct connected to the battery, not using the "load" from the charger.

Now I will change my cables and connect the consumer to the charger to see the consumptions etc.

Where is the measure? Plus or minus?

I think, Plus or Minus (one of them) from Solar, Battery and Load will be connected together (have a direct electric connection). In my case I only have the need to change one wire (plus or minus) and bring this wire to chargers "Load" (and the other can be still direct connected with the battery (plus or minus). And mot both from my consumers ...

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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·
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topsurfer avatar image
topsurfer answered ·

So I can use a common ground for the load, only the Plus from the load8s) must be conneced to the solar chager, correct? So I can measure the load (A) and also the power off (low battery power) coming from charger will take effect.

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