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expresslife asked

MPPT 100/20 internal breaker

Hello all, hope this community can help.

I have a van that has all loads (except inverter) going through the solar controller (MPPT 100/20). They are properly fused with a blue sea systems fuse block and there is a fuse between the block and controller as well. Occasionally when I start my diesel heater the whole system resets. Everything blinks off for a second before coming back online as if there is some internal breaker being blown in the solar controller. No fuses ever blow. I've tried adjusting the load settings in the controller to account for any sudden voltage drop being the issue, problem its intermittent so I'm not sure if changing those settings has solved it or not. I have lithium batteries so sag should not be the issue but if I turn off everything else then usually I can start the heater without the system resetting.

Hoping you can shed some light on this issue for me. Thanks

MPPT Controllersbatterywiringfuses
2 |3000

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