
batteryb avatar image
batteryb asked

What is the deal with the MultiPlus Compact, vs. the Multiplus II?

I've been told by a seller (and found it here too), that the MultiPlus-II is the newer version and will most likely be supported for longer, since the Compact is being phased out. Is this correct?

I was planning on buying a 2000W (or even just a 1600W) model, and for backup reasons two of them, rather than one 3000W model. The Multiplus-II however is not available in the lower wattage versions. Wonder why, if the Compact units are being phased out.

Am not to keen on buying a "phase-out" product. On the other hand, they are known for reliability, as far as I can tell, while the MP-II might not have proven the same reliability yet.

Are lower wattage units of the MP-II planned, or will Victron just not serve the market for smaller wattage units with the ability to parallel the units any more?

Multiplus-IIbattery charging
2 |3000

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3 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ยท

@BatteryB The way I see it is as long as you purchase units with the latest generation processors that can run ess (unless off-grid) and work with VictronConnect, you are well covered for the next 5 years and beyond. Your purchase should be best matched to a requirement and what is available today if you actually want to get up and running. As for what tomorrow holds ... who knows.

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cwoody avatar image
cwoody answered ยท

Victron are known for their reliability and I am sure their new products will up hold this.

The 'new' Multiplus of the lower end are available, I'm looking to get one myself for my van conversion, have a look here:

They are just called Multiplus ( I know, a little confusing). The 500VA can't be paralleled but the 800VA to 1600VA can.

Hope that helps...

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batteryb avatar image batteryb commented ยท

Oh - so the units called only "MultiPlus" is the new series, if one looks for smaller units than the MP-II? Now it somewhat makes sense. Thank you.

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porcini avatar image
porcini answered ยท

I don't like the new 1600VA version. Go for the old one as long as you can get it. The 2000VA is the "old" model anyway.

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cwoody avatar image cwoody commented ยท

Out of interest and as a prospective buyer of a new 1200VA version, what don't you like about it?

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porcini avatar image porcini cwoody commented ยท

New 1600VA doesn't have "charger only" remote contact (1200 still has) and according to the data sheet there is also less max power and less performance on higher temperatures (1200VA kept the same). But new 1200VA has only 1 VE.Bus instead of two. I also don't like the new housing and the plastic. Everything looks and feels less premium. Max. cable cross section is also limited due to new clamps. I'm not sure but I think the old 1200VA came with 1,5m of 50mm2 cable. The new one is limited to 35mm2. No cable Included. But of course the price is better now. It's all about the price and economizing with the new units - that's why I don't like them.

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