
s-mott avatar image
s-mott asked

Overall System Status view in Victron Connect?

Can you get overall system status view (like Color Control or CANvu) in the Victron Connect app? Would like to just BT to phone or tablet and see system view.

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2 Answers
Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

Just to clarify your question - can you confirm if you already have a Victron GX device (CCGX / Venus GX / Cerbo GX / CANVu / etc)?

If you do then you can access the overview screen via wireless LAN and its a lot faster than via VRM remote console.

But if you don't then the answer is no as there is nothing to 'manage' the system.

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s-mott avatar image
s-mott answered ·

@Mark... Thanks for the reply! I am putting together a system now. I have a Quattro, Smartsolar MPPT and a Smartshunt. If I get a BT Smart Dongle for the Quattro, I now have access to each component via BT in the Victron Connect App. Since I'm only after system overview/control via Phone/Tablet I'm trying to understand the advantage (other than all the sensor inputs) of adding a Cerbo vs. the Smart Dongle.Thanks.

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