
rrroonn avatar image
rrroonn asked

Help with strange Color Controller behaviour with MP2 and SMA

Hi, I have the following configuration:

  • Victron MP2 5000 / 70amp charger
  • SMA 5000TL-21 solar inverter on AC-Out#1
  • Pylontech US3000 batteries
  • Color Controller

If I have to turn the SMA inverter off and then turn it back on later, the CC display looks like this (still) after 15 minutes from turning on the SMA Inverter:

You can see that the Solar inverter is working because it is exporting, however:

  • SMA inverter is not shown,
  • AC Loads are not registering (=0) despite being around 600W.

The SMA is remembered:

But does not appear on the device list:

This has happened a few times and it often takes hours before the display corrects itself.

I was running FW 2.51 on the CC but saw that 2.52 was available, so I installed that, but alas, still the same problem.

The CC and SMA are both on the same subnet and I can confirm that the SMA has obtained its IP address which is fixed by DHCP settings. I can confirm this by the SMA front panel.

Is this a known issue?

thanks for your assistance,


Multiplus-IIVenus OSsolar
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2 Answers
rrroonn avatar image
rrroonn answered ยท

Looks like it is an issue with the SMA modbus server.

I had the issue occur again, so I tried another modbus client and it would not connect. I used Sunny Explorer to change the modbus port on SMA and then could connect, then changed it back. CC then connected ok.

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Rob Fijn avatar image
Rob Fijn answered ยท

Helllo, @rrroonn, could this help:

best regards,


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rrroonn avatar image rrroonn commented ยท

Thanks Rob, have seen that.

I spent some time originally before the Victron was installed making sure the MODBUS was working as I had to retrofit the speedwire module.

As I mentioned, its not that the CC doesn't eventually see the SMA and start working correctly, its just that it takes such a looooong time to do so. As per the event I highlighted yesterday, an hour after the post, the CC started showing the correct information.

Maybe I just need to raise it as a software fault?


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