
gunther avatar image
gunther asked

Looking for BMS for Hybrid Diesel-Electric Propulsion Sailboat

I’m in the process of designing/speccing the electrical component for my sailboat’s diesel/electric propulsion system. I’m primarily looking for some advice on what BMS and battery combiners/disconnects to use.

The propulsion unit comprises a 48V Hybrid-Marine diesel-electric motor/generator. As an electric motor it can consume up to 10 kW, so the BMS will need to handle a load up to around 250A at 48V. As a generator is can produce 6 kVA max, so again, the BMS will need to cope with a charging current of up to 150A at 48V. The system’s controller has LFE charging profiles, but is not a BMS as such.

I’ve pretty much decided on a Victron Quattro 48/5000 and 2x Victron LiFePO4 25,6V/200Ah (in series) as a storage solution. House is an existing separate 12V system that I intend to cross-charge using the inverters, so there will be no other DC loads to worry about, only the electric motor.

I’ve looked at various scenarios of the Victron BMS products, but I can’t find one that has both the generator and load on the same side. The only scenario that comes close (that I’ve found) was using a VE.Bus BMS and a Cyrix-Li-ct combiner to cater for a separate starter battery on the engine/alternator side. Is that something that would work for my much bigger electric motor load?

Any advice is appreciated.

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1 Answer
kai avatar image
kai answered ·

If you're not wedded to Victron BMS, there are also other products like Elithion and Orion.

In terms of switching, at loads you're looking at, would have to use high power contactors like Gigavacs.

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